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Commercial Medical Escort Services from JET ICU

Commercial Medical Escort ServicesIf you need to fly on a commercial aircraft but also require continuous medical monitoring, then JET ICU can help. We provide commercial medical escort services, in which one of our highly trained medical professionals will fly with you to provide the monitoring you need. We’ll also take care of all the logistics involved with commercial flying, such as booking the flight, securing all medical clearances, and coordinating ground transportation to get you from the airport to your home.

JET ICU goes the extra mile to ensure every family we serve feels confident choosing us for commercial medical escort services. Here are a handful of the ways we do so:

  • We only employ highly trained medical professionals to accompany our patients on commercial flights and require them to maintain their certifications through clinical practice and continuing education.
  • We are advocates for our patients to get the cost of our services covered by their insurance company, and our in-house legal team will work diligently on your behalf.
  • We can fly both domestically and internationally for our patients, so we can coordinate any type of flight needed.

Contact Us Today

If you need commercial medical escort services for yourself or a loved one, contact JET ICU today and we’ll be happy to get the process started. Our communications center operates 24/7/365, and you can also fill out our convenient online form to learn more. JET ICU – when experience matters.